It’s commonly understood that if you suffer a work-related psychological injury, you may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. But what if you suffer a psychiatric injury as a result of your employer’s breach of your workplace rights and their contractual obligations under your employment contract or enterprise agreement?
There are limited rules and regulations surrounding e-scooters in Victoria and what happens if you as a rider or pedestrian are ever in an accident involving an e-scooter, which results in injury. In this blog, we explore the compensation options available to people injured in an accident involving an electric scooter.
Depending on the severity of injuries after a road accident, you could be left with significant ongoing impairments that hinder your ability to earn an income. The TAC can provide benefits to support your lost earnings, known as Loss of Earnings benefits, as well as your lost earning capacity, known as the Loss of Earnings Capacity benefits.
The Victorian WorkCover scheme prioritises the early return of injured workers to the workforce. This blog will delve into your obligations, the reasonableness of the request to return to work and the potential consequences of not complying with return-to-work plans.