Many people often only think of accessing TPD insurance for physical injuries; however, you can also lodge a TPD claim for illness, including mental illness and psychological conditions.
Whilst accepting an early offer to settle your public liability claim may be tempting, accepting an early settlement could have serious consequences for any future entitlement to a public liability claim.
If you’re injured on a farm while using a farm vehicle, including 2-wheel motorbikes, quad motorbikes, side by side vehicles, tractors and harvesting equipment such as headers, you have the right to claim entitlements from the TAC.
Unfortunately, some workers have sustained an adverse reaction to a mandated Covid-19 vaccine. In this article, we explore the compensation options available to those workers.
The process for lodging a TPD claim may have seemed quite straightforward, so you might expect it to be accepted and receive your payout. But what if your TPD claim is rejected or declined?
One of the criteria to be eligible to apply for WorkCover common law damages is to meet the “serious injury” definition. In this article, we look at the definition and the process for lodging a serious injury application.
Although the Covid-19 Vaccine Claim Scheme may be considered “DIY” by the government, there are significant factors which need to be considered to ensure you get the full compensation you deserve.
There are two very different options for compensation for survivors of childhood abuse; a Civil Common Law claim or the Federal Government National Redress Scheme.
Injuries can occur across a number of public places. This article explores the types of injuries/accidents that may entitle you to public liability compensation.